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Find various resources, useful websites and program links and start discovering your pathway through STEMM!!
UPCOMING EVENTS (new events every week!!)
*NOTE* - click the name of each event you're interested in to sign up and learn more!!
19th of May - 'Monash University Girls in Physics Breakfast' (At the breakfast students from Years 10 to 12 share a table with two or three women who are either in a career in physics or engineering, or are at university as an undergraduate or a postgraduate. The students have a chance to ask questions about their careers and what studying at university is like. Students are seated with students from other schools. *NOTE: Fee to attend)
30th of June - 'Application Deadline for The Junior Academy (New York Academy of Sciences)' (The Junior Academy introduces exceptional students to an online community where they gain access to best-in-class STEM resources and work together to solve real-world problems. STEM professionals mentor student teams during 60-day innovation challenges, with multiple challenges a year for participants to choose from. *NOTE: Our co-founder Chloe got accepted into the program last year, so if you have any questions about the application process feel free to email)
30th of June - 'Application Deadline for 1000 Girls, 1000 Futures Program (New York Academy of Sciences)' (1000 Girls, 1000 Futures is a ground breaking initiative designed to engage young women interested in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), and advance their pursuit of STEM careers through mentoring and 21st-century skills development. *NOTE: Our co-founder Chloe got accepted into the program last year, so if you have any questions about the application process feel free to email :).)
22nd of July - 'Girls in Physics Event Melb Uni' (The University of Melbourne's School of Physics is presenting a program to female Years 9-10 students to encourage them to study Physics and be involved in the Physics community. The day will consist of a series of talks plus laboratory activities and a careers panel.)
EOI Now Open - 'BIOTech Futures Challenge' (BIOTech Futures is an innovation and mentorship program that aims to empower Australia’s brightest young scientific minds. The initiative connects high school students with world-class academics to think creatively about scientific inspired solutions to challenges in the fields of Health, Medicine, Sustainability, Humanitarian aid and the Environment.)
EOI Now Open - 'Year 9-10 Quantum Victoria Cyber Security Experience' (This program provide students and their teachers with strategies to mitigate identified risks associated with managing personal data. The experience includes many fun activities, including escape rooms, workshops, and online modules.)
Khan Academy; A go-to options for millions of students world wide, Khan Academy provides various online courses on different STEMM topics. This platform can be used as a catch-up tool, a form of extension or just a place to learn more about your areas of interest.
Coursera; Learn new skills straight from world-class universities and companies. Coursera provides a variety of free courses in all areas of STEMM and is a great way to develop your breadth and depth.
AWS Educate; Provides free comprehensive content and pathways for students under the age of 18 to build skills in the cloud. The information is designed to introduce cloud computing skills which drive innovation in fields such as AI,gaming, medical advancements, and more.
edX; Allows you to eplore over 3000+ courses taught by leading institutions and develop your STEMM knowledge and overall skillset.
How Stuff Works; Find answers to all sort of STEMM questions like 'How Does Hair Dye Work?' and 'Why Are Airplane Windows Round?'. This website allows you to explore the who, what, where and why of the world around you and find what interests you most.
Codecademy; For those wanting to learn how to code, Codecademy is a great starting point. With millions of users and endorsements from Bill Gates and alike, you can be sure they have great learning content. Keep in mind they ask for registration and offer both free and paid courses.
YouTube Channels
- 'Cherry Arora' (all things STEMM, and more!!)
- 'The War Street Journal' (crypto, stocks, finances, etc.)
- 'CrashCourse' (all things STEMM, and more!!)
- 'Up and Atom' (maths, physics and computer science)
- 'Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell' (all things STEMM)
- 'Wootube' (maths)
- 'Free Code Camp' (coding and university level math courses)
- '3Blue1Brown' (math)
- 'Emil Eddy' (tips for VCE and UCAT prep)
- 'Darren Tan' (tips for VCE prep)
- 'Shane Huang' (study tips)
- 'The War Street Journal' (crypto, stocks, finances, etc.)
- 'TeenLife' (all things STEMM, including info on study and career pathways!)
Math Resources
Math is Fun (website)
Free Math Help (website)
Krista King Math (website)
Interactive Mathematics (website)
West Texas A & M Virtual Math Lab (website)
Chemistry Resources
Cherry’s ‘Intro to Chemistry’ Series (youtube series)
Tyler DeWitt (youtube channel)
Crash Course Chemistry Series (youtube series)
Socratic Q&A - Chemistry (website)
Chemguide (website)
The Organic Chemistry Teacher (youtube channel)
VisChem (website)
Biology Resources
Crash Course Biology Series (youtube series)
Crash Course Anatomy Series (youtube series)
Socratic Q&A - Biology (website)
Socratic Q&A - Anatomy (website)
Nucleus Medical Media (youtube channel)
Contemporary VCE Biology (website)
BioMan Biology (website)
Physics Resources
Crash Course Physics Series (youtube series)
Socratic Q&A - Physics (website)
Physics World (website)
Science Fair Adventure (website)
'STEMM careers list (A - Z)' - learn about various STEMM career pathways (website)​​
'RMIT STEM Workshops' - short videos to help students select VCE subjects (website)​
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